Travelmyth is a hotel search engine, a price comparison engine and a hotel booking platform where you can search more than 6,159,718 hotels in 60 categories, worldwide.
In the search field you can choose or type any of the following: 1) categories like "dog friendly", "luxury", "beachfront" to perform a search based on your interests and preferences, 2) the name of a destination or region if you already know where you want to travel, 3) a hotel's name to search for a specific hotel.
By choosing one or more categories or/and a region, you are directed to the results page.
In this page you can find all the hotels that match the criteria that you entered and you can filter the results by choosing even more criteria from the left menu, or sort them using the "Sort by" field based on price, popularity etc.
After that, you can choose the desired dates and/or change the number of guests to see prices at each hotel. (The predefined number is 2 adults, in 1 room).
After you insert the dates, the prices for each hotel appear, from various booking sites. (If a hotel does not appear on the list after inserting the dates, this means there is no availability at this hotel for the selected dates.)
After choosing a hotel, you'll either proceed to the button "View deal" and you'll be directed to the booking site's webpage (e.x. Booking dot com, Hotels dot com etc.), or you'll choose "Book now" to complete your booking on Travelmyth.
In this case, a new page appears, the booking page of the hotel, where all the available room types as well as the boarding options are displayed (breakfast, half-board) if they are provided. In this page you can also view the cancellation policy applicable for each room type.
By choosing the room that interests you, you move on with the "Book" button and on step 2, you enter the info for your booking, and by inserting the card details on the Payment window, you complete your booking.
Immediately, you receive at your email a payment confirmation and in short time you receive the final confirmation, including the voucher for the hotel and your payment receipt.