Dog Friendly Hotel
Do you accept dogs in all rooms?
No, some rooms only: Club Rooms
Is there an extra charge?
Yes, € 20 per night
Should the dog owner notify you before checking in?
Yes, During the booking process
What is the maximum number of dogs per room?
Only one dog is allowed
Is there a maximum weight of dogs accepted?
Yes, 5 Kg
Are there any leash-free play areas?
Should the dog be kenneled at all times in the room?
Should the dog be kenneled/kept in a pet carrier at all times in public areas?
Should the dog remain leashed at all times in the room?
Should the dog remain leashed at all times in public areas?
Are the dogs allowed on the furniture?
Are the dogs allowed on beds?
What are the basic requirements to accept a dog? Must not be aggressive
Must be clean
Must not have fleas
Must have proof of current vaccinations
Owners must clean pet waste immediately
Owners are responsible for any damage caused by the dog
Must not be left unattended in the room
must remain on arm in public areas
Is there a refundable deposit to guard against damages?
Except for dogs, do you also accept other pets?
Do you have a written and comprehensive pet policy available on request?
Additional information
It is not allowed to have the pet in any hotel public area.
It is not allowed to walk with the pet through gardens and hotel public areas.
Pet must be fully trained and appropriately restrained by guest.
Pet must comply with local legislation requirements.
Pet must be kept on a lead when in the hotel or on hotel property unless in the guest’s room.
Pets must not be left unattended. If guest requires a pet-sitter or pet supplies, they should contact the concierge with advance notice.
Guests are responsible for cleaning up after their pet on hotel premises and in the neighborhood.
Any disturbances such as barking must be controlled to ensure other guests are not disturbed.
Guests must contact our everything is possible service to arrange for a convenient time for servicing their room.
Guests are responsible for all property damages and/or personal injuries resulting from their pet.
Guests agree to indemnify and hold the hotel, its owners and its operator responsible for all liability and damages suffered as a result of their pet.
Pets cannot access hotel restaurants, spa areas or other areas where food and drink are present.
The hotel reserves the right to charge guest's account commensurate to the cost of such damages.