To whom is your hotel/accommodation accessible? People who use a wheelchair People who are deaf People who are blind People with autism People with asthma
Is there level-access route (might include lifts) from the road to the rooms?Yes, to all rooms
Are there any facilities that guests who use a wheelchair cannot reach?No
Are there designated parking spaces for people with disabilities?Yes
If you offer free transfers to guests, do you have a wheelchair accessible vehicle?No
Are assistance/guide dogs allowed in the hotel/accommodation?Yes
In the rooms, is there a level-access (roll-in) shower?Yes, in certain rooms
In the rooms, does the toilet have support handrails?Yes, in certain rooms
Are wheelchairs offered to guests who do not come with their own?Νο
Accessible AparthotelSummary of reviews related to the 'Accessible' categoryMartur Resort features a largely accessible structure, praised for its convenient access points and suitable facilities for guests with disabilities. Many guests noted the good accessibility with simple and straightforward access enhancing the overall convenience. However, some reviews did highlight that accessibility was inconsistent and occasionally limited, pointing out a few areas where accessibility posed a challenge. Despite these occasional hurdles, the general consensus remains positive, indicating a predominantly accessible and convenient environment. Show more