To whom is your hotel/accommodation accessible? Gehbehinderten freundlich
Is there level-access route (might include lifts) from the road to the rooms? Please specify: Dusche ohne Einstieg
Are there any facilities that guests who use a wheelchair cannot reach?No
Are assistance/guide dogs allowed in the hotel/accommodation?Yes
In the rooms, is there a level-access (roll-in) shower?Yes, in certain rooms Please specify: Doppelzimmer mit Balkon, Zimmer ist nur auf Anfrage buchbar.
In the rooms, does the toilet have support handrails?No
Are wheelchairs offered to guests who do not come with their own?Νο
Is there anything that you would like to highlight, add or clarify? Hotel ist behinderten freundlich, hat Abweichungen von behindertengerechten Kriterien.
Aufzug ab Rezeption. Ein paar Stufen am Eingang oder Lieferanteneingang ohne Stufen.