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Check In
Check Out
1 room2 guests1 room, 2 guests
Bed & Breakfast with Free Wi-Fi
Bed & Breakfast for Adults Only
Small Bed & Breakfast
Bed & Breakfast where Extra Health & Safety Measures Have Been Taken
Do visitors need a health certificate (i.e. a test) prior to arrival? No
Do you perform temperature checks upon guests' arrivals? No
Do you ensure contactless check-in/check-out? No
Do the hotel's main entrance doors open automatically? No
Can guests access their room entrance directly from outside the hotel without entering the lobby? No
Are the rooms left vacant for a minimum period of time after a guest checks out? Yes, for 24 hours.
Is there an option for no in-room housekeeping during a guest's stay? Yes
Do you allow fresh air to enter the rooms by leaving the windows open between departures and arrivals? Yes
Does the cleaning crew wear appropriate personal protective equipment? Yes
Do you sanitize the common areas? Yes, daily
Are guests' luggage and belongings disinfected upon arrival? No
Are luggage trolleys sanitized after each use? No
Do you sanitize guests' keys/cards? Yes
Do you provide thorough cleaning of the rooms? Yes
Are all employees trained and monitored to follow a cleaning protocol? Yes
Do you use disinfectants approved by regulatory authorities that kill the COVID-19 virus? Yes
Do you use electrostatic sprayers with hospital-grade disinfectant to sanitize surfaces? Yes
Do you disinfect high touch areas in guest rooms including light switches and door handles? Yes
Are elevator rides limited? There are no elevators
Is furniture in public areas arranged to allow more space for distancing? Yes
Are guest rooms allowed to be accessed until check-in after they were cleaned? No
Does the hotel operate at a limited capacity? Yes, up to 50% of the rooms can be occupied
Does the hotel accept domestic bookings only? No
Do you allow people who don't stay or work at the hotel to enter its premises? No
Do you allow people who don't stay at the hotel to enter the rooms? No
Have you altered check-in / check-out hours to allow more time between departures and arrivals? No
Other limitations n/a as tiny bandb
Do you provide medical kits (masks, gloves and sanitizer) to the staff? Yes
Do you provide medical kits (masks, gloves and sanitizer) to the guests? Yes
Do you provide disinfecting wipes in each room? Yes
Are there hand sanitizing stations throughout the hotel? Yes
Is there a sanitizing sprayer for shoes outside each room? No
Do you have any signage in lobbies to remind guests to maintain social distancing protocols? No
Do you use physical distancing markers? No
Do you use delivery robots to get stuff to guests' rooms? No
Is there an individual air-conditioning/heating unit in each room (no central air-conditioning/heating system)? No
If there are central air-conditioning/heating/ventilation systems, is air recirculation prevented? Yes
Are rugs removed from guest rooms? Yes
Are unnecessary items removed from guest rooms, such as decorative pillows, bed scarves/throws , paper notepads and pens? Yes
Are air purification and sanitization devices installed? Yes, in public areas and guest rooms
Are linens, towels and laundry washed in accordance with the official guidelines? Yes
Is dirty linen bagged in the guest room to eliminate excess contact while being transported to the laundry facility? Yes
Food & Beverage Service
Do you offer pre-made boxed meals to guests? Yes
Do you offer single-serve options instead of buffets for breakfast? Yes
Do you offer contactless delivery for in-room dining? No
Protocols & Certifications
Do you follow any of these protocols or have you obtained any of these certifications?
localcounil guidelines
Has there been a person appointed to supervise the correct implementation of the measures? Yes
Do you check temperature for all onsite staff on a scheduled basis? Yes
Do your staff practice social distancing guidelines? Yes
Are there dedicated isolation zones on property? No
Do you have clear guidelines on how to handle suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19)? Yes Details: goverment guidelines
Is there a doctor available either on-site or on-call? Yes
Are there any services currently unavailable due to health and safety issues (e.g. valet parking, airport transfer, spa, gym, indoor pool, conference rooms, coffee points, etc.)? n/a
Has the hotel closed during the pandemic? Yes Reopening Date: Unknown
Additional Information: This is a small boutique BandB no staff just owner fully informed